Is Pickleball right for you?
Is Pickleball Right for You?
One Sentence:
Pickleball is a ball and paddle game played on a badminton sized court, with square paddles and a perforated ball, where opponents hit the ball across court over a net that is slightly lower than a tennis net.
(ok that was a long sentence, but we made it work!)

Why the hype:
Even though it is one of the fastest growing sports in North America, you may still wonder if it’s worth the hype. And you are not alone. There are reddit forums full of discussions on why pickleball is growing faster than you can hit an ace (that’s for the tennis fans).
In one Reddit group, a tennis and pickleball fan explains it best:
“I play both. Pickleball is so popular because it is SO much more approachable than tennis. It’s very difficult to have fun playing tennis unless you are reasonably skilled (i.e. can keep the ball in play a bit). People with no previous racket skills can have a decent rally the first time they ever pick up a paddle and therefore can have fun right away.”
REDDIT source
This last January, the Sport Information Resource Centre (that’s right we have one in Canada! and it’s partly funded by YOU! ok, it’s funded by the Government of Canada, but that’s your tax dollars at work), conducted a survey on Pickleball players in Canada. The stats may surprise you.
In the past few years:
1 – More women are playing Pickleball (50% more!)
2 – Pickleball competitive tournaments are on the rise (Women’s competitions increased 170%)
3 – Younger players are quickly taking over more courts (fastest growing demographic: 18 to 34)
Take 5 (Points)
5 Key Benefits of Pickleball
- Smaller court makes it accessible to more community centres, more cities, more communities.
- Smaller court makes it more social: doubles are double the fun (you can hear all that banter, yes, even the muttering under the breath)
- Slower ball makes it easier to play (and easier on the joints: your knees and hips will thank you)
- Slower ball and smaller racket make it easier to learn
- Everyone can play at their level (Have 1 hour? That’s all you need to learn to play it!)

Is Pickleball right for you?
If you enjoy racket games, full body movement in sports or playing with opponents and being social, Pickleball is right for you.
You can learn and play in as little as one hour and indoor pickleball courts are easy to find. Check out this handy location guide for pickleball courts, across Toronto.
Community Centres offer Pickleball Courts Indoors
Combine a friendly game of pickleball at the community centre, with our Vive Gym Fitness Class. Throw in a weekly Stability Physio Training Session (not the towel) and you have the perfect cross-fit training plan this December. This guarantees you to be stronger BEFORE you can even say ‘Happy New Year’. Strengthen your body, support your heart health and grow your healthy habits with us.
Get on the Newest Health Trend: Physio + Gym
At our Physio + Gym, we start you off on the right foot, every time.
Did you know all our fitness classes are included in your Vive membership?
Make this winter your healthiest one to date. Invite your whole family to play and train smart. And now you know that with a game like pickleball, even your kids can play with Auntie Carol and Grandpa Joe this Christmas. We just can’t guarantee your kids will win. Grandpa Joe just might beat their Christmas socks off. No matter how much spiked Eggnog is flowing in your home this holiday, keep your family match friendly!

Final Word
Get started on playing a game of pickleball indoors today.
See what all the hype is about. We support you every Pickeball point and ‘Elf on the Shelf’ step of the way!